every fuggen lame ass day, i wake up and i can barely move...im sore everywhere....its just not my back anymore....neck....shoulders...legs....feet...the back is the worst by far, but me other parts are catching up quickly...
in the mens locker, i groan and moan while undressing...the old fellas next to me laugh....i hear the old " youre too young to be sounding like that!" oh go fugg yourself old man...get out of my space anyway!..saggin sacks everywhere....i dont care if you fought in the war...i fuggen play squash and used to get my ass kicked in football every fuggen day....beat that!
this am was really really bad for me....i could barely move after the feet hit the hardwood...as i type, me back is spasming...and my left shoulder is reeling...
im stoked about this because today...at 1pm...is the mac golf league opening....playing a jack nick golf track ...winghaven cc...bad back and left shoulder...hmmm...are those important for the golf swing....?im loading up on meds for today....good thing about the meds is that i wont recall very much on how poorly i struck the ball....or it can go the other way and ill go LOW!!!..LOVE MODERN MEDICATION....altho i say that, back in the day the meds were way stronger than they are today....instead of a pain killer, youd get opium....dentists gave out laughing gas like it was candy....why dont dentists do this anymore....i hate the fuggen dentist...who doesnt? just the sound of that fuggen drill makes me ill....thats one great thing about being an adult....you can blow off the dentist....kids, no chance! theyre going in regardless....hazing...winning!
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