i just spent 4 hours ...in the hoody parts of the lou...with my the bubbas (twins).... my car wash employee is out of town..hes pretty worthless anyway (big mikey...ill dig into him later..fosho...rehtard!..)...so packed up me sons in "big d" (my new toyota tundra crew max...so titty(wifey gunna slap me for using "titty" too...wifey hates "big d"...she named it "big d" for big dick....she feels i got it to make up for my short comings...like the squid at the lake with the huge boat...ha..ill dig into that later too) and headed to clean up our 3 washes...
i know you parents out there can relate to this well....and even if you do not have kids...you can relate to this from your dads perspective....always wondered why my old man got kinda short with me when i helped him do shit...my dad wasnt a cusser...he only cussed when he missed a short put and when i helped him do shit....like fix the tractor...he morphed into an asshole...yelling at me...yellin at me to bring him tools...id bring him the wrong tool ...and hed tell me to just leave .....it was a nightmare..like the dad in the Christmas Story fixing the boiler..i hated our tractor! fuggen thing always broke...
the bubbas try very hard...kinda...and i pay them a pretty solid wage for their work...shit..we pay em nicely...hell...i woulda helped my old man way more if he woulda paid me what i pay the bubs...
fuggen a tho...when your kid works with you , the parent has to work double the amount necessary in order to cover their mess of things....its fuggen maddening...then the bubs fight over everything...ud think if you had twins, life would be greatness for them...always a playmate....always a friend to count on...these two , however toss the acme anvil back and forth to each other.....24/7....im not going to dig into this one quite yet...the bubbas have given me a lifetime of blog entries....greatness to follow!
i digress...so it gets to the point where you are better off just duin everything yourself....wifey and i want to teach our kids how to earn money...get the hands dirty...just so long as they dont get stuck with a siringe ...or blade... tossed out by a hoody junkie...yikes! ...thats why dad empties the trash!...
i take them anyway and glad to do it...their bank accounts are impressive...and for the most part...theyve earned it all!..and they also know that their dad can be an asshole too! lifes trickle down effect....
Randy, wtf are you bro?
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