every sunday am...usually early (need to finish before the crackheads wake)...i go clean our wash on west florissant....the sunday am crowd is usually made up of church going citizens...they love to blast their gospel music louder than a WHO concert..."LORDY LORDY MERCY..OH YEAH! my customers will shout out while they vaccum last nights mess.....its fuggen hillarious..
..i can understand the gangsta rap music pumped out loudly...wow...im a cusser fosho...but these dirty bastards have zero manners...i laugh at the lyrics...youve heard em..."mudda effen hos on da loose..heading for her caboose..get your eagle on giiiiirrrrrl..." wtf does that mean....? "drop it low ho!.." i digress...
this sunday am was different tho....a car of thugs pulled up..wreaked of "gangsta red."... this was around 830 this am...hmmm...caution in the wind...no doubt these fellows were up to no good..."pants on the ground!"... thats my code to wifey that there might be trubs....i called her and gave the signal...wow they look stupid with their fuggen underoos showing...i overheard them talking about "knocking out" someone...i thought that someone was me....so i got in my car and left...i drove to some other properties that me and wifey own knowing that ...in time...the punk asses would leave....
i came back and theyd left....whew...this happens from time to time....but never this early...and never on sunday....
id already cleaned the lot and where there punk car had been, there was some trash laying around...SHOCKER!!!...i laughed when i saw what was left behind...
i find these promotion cards from time to time....this one definitely belonged to these dudes...just throw it out of their car...no worries mate...ill pick it up fer ya...i gawwwt it..
and now my search for syds sweet 16 party dj has ended...gotta go with ERR TYME MUSIC's General Rick Juice 3.6! HOLLA! no sorry...HOLLA AT YA BOI! i think this card states that the General Rick might get help from no other than J POS....unheard of..i reckon thats large!....huge...wowsers!
if "juice" spins Ugly's hit Thuggen 2 Feat...Corletta...and Off the Heezy...syds party will be off da hooky...
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