i hate these words...
i get a call from a banker (hate banks, bankers, anything banky) and all of the sudden im in a 4 man golf scramble....for some dumb stupid charity that probably embezzles all the money anyway...you arrive not knowing whos in your group...
some douschbag sees you coming to his cart...stands up...extends his hand out to you and yells..."hey there pardsy!...we are pards!"
shut up you dork...!
every shot...come on pardso!....pick us up (the fuggen guy shanks everything ob and expects you to pick up the team...) he sucks...you dont...but you have to play with this guy for 18 long ass holes...hes the guy you dont want to be around...but you have to...cuz youre pardsy's...see
i know its winter here in the lou...and no i do not have a golf scramble coming up anytime soon....i was just thinking about a partner i have in a property development....thought about the fuggen bank that is bending me over and inserting their big ole fDIC up my ass...and my pardso...pardsy...pards who left me out to hang while he goes the ez route....BK...bancrupcy....ahhhhh the american way....just run the fugg away and leave a trail of fuggen tears behind you....as a society, we go way out of our way to make it ez for the criminals, the crooks...the guys that run and hide behind the fine print...its ez for them...they had nothing in the first place....they play you and you get fuggen played...
well pardso..ill pick up our team....with my fuggen life savings...thanks douschebag!
next time i hear pardsy, pards, partner, pardso...anything like that...im calling my attorney...because ill need to representation...
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