i got the shingles about 7 years ago...nasty nasty pain....shingles are derived from the chicken pox virus...if youve had chicken pox, then you can get shingles...
shingles usually hit older peeps because older peeps immunity cells break down and they are susceptible to shingles...also, shingles will pop up because of high stress...
well, i wasnt old 7 years ago...must have been stressed to the max...because i got them...
shingles start out with major pain in the region they hit....most get em on the back...or sides...some get em on their faces....ouch...i got mine on my inner calf , downto my left foot (arch)....after 2 days of wtf kind of pain, you break out in lesions...they look like blood zits...hurts to the touch...fugg..it hurts period! these little bastards pop and the shit looks like shingles that are on your roof....
this shit lasts about 2 week to a month...many are lucky and it all goes away...the crappy looking skin and the pain...i wasnt so lucky....i have whats called POST HERPETIC NEURALGIA...ha..herpetic...well, it is a herpe...funny, when doc scripted meds for me, the label said something about herpes....wifey read this and well....i had some splainin to do...she was pissed....i dont blame her because who knew....? i didnt know it was herpes....
"POST" means after....i had no idea that after meant FOR FUGGEN EVER!!!!! because it hasnt stopped hurting....pins and needles....knives and forks...nerve pain like you couldnt imagine....24 fuggen 7...sometimes its bad...sometimes its really bad....the inner leg is way more sensitive than the outer... hell the inner everything is more sensitive than the outer everything....is there not a softer area on your entire leg than the foot arch....thats where it hurts the most...
wah wah wah...cry me a fuggen river right? wrong...im over bitchin about my shingles....ive learned to live with this shit...back hurts worse now....so its all good....yet...
tony larussa, stl baseball cardinal skipper, got the shingles on his face....and what happens? every single fuggen news show is about the shingles....what they are....what they do...how you get them...how to relive the pain...shingles vaccines...shingles everything! poor tony!!! tony this tony that....well i say go fugg yourself you stupid bastard....ive had these things for what seems like an eternity...ive explained this shit to everyone and many just called me a pussy...there were times that i wanted to hack off my leg...i kid you not...place left leg in vice and saw away...
tony got em on his face....guess he'll want to chop his head off soon...but he wont have the POST shit i have...my doc says that i have the longest POST shit then 99% of shingles peeps....i have POST for eternity...
oh joy!
so it takes a famous fella to bring awareness to just about everything....that cracks me up....normal folks have rehtard kids but when brad pitt has a tard, the whole world must be aware and do everything necessary to accommodate tards (i dont think he has a tard)....shit, a house just got blowed up by a tornadee but when al gores mansion loses a shingle, the whole world must be aware of climate change (i dont believe in climate change anything....we humans can not affect the weather PERIOD!) ....dudes party their whole life and chase women ...or just look at other women....but when tiger fuggen woods gets caught, every single man on this fuggen planet is being scrutinized no matter if we are awesomely loyal or not...all you have to be is a MALE and tiger woods deal put us on the scrutiny map for eternity....POST TIGERWHORE NEURALGIA!
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