what was the terminator thinking when he was banging that troll? maria shriver is ugly but that one there is the ultimate testament to the beer goggles defense...
its funny how we find out that these politicians/actors/stars live a life that is far from their daily work...the mighty fall...happens multiple times a year...and we are shocked...
i liken this to my squash career...i won the d's...the c's...almost won the b's....i was a threat to the fellas and well....they have all conspired to bring me down....i know there is a conspiracy here....nothing else explains my 1-18 losing streak....see...i battled to the pinnacle, only to have it all go away in one fail swoop...has nothing to do with my play....its the others that step up theirs to beat me like a red headed retarded stepper...theyre after me...the torches...the mob...i sense it...
we americans....we humans...love to build up each other....only to revel in our demises...
going back to arnold....i believe the fall isnt the issue here....seems like no one is really talking about the actual act of his infidelity....what everyone i talking about is ..."how in the hell does this fella bang an ugly like that?"
tigger woods had his share of uglies too....maybe the ugly ones make up for their handicaps by being awesome bed mates? that has to be!...there is no other explanation...i dont see woods or the terminator chatting it up with these ugs...getting their opinion on business ideas or current events...
all i can say is WOW...looks like the terminator wont be BAAAAAAHHHHHHK! his love child looks like he will be able to keep the terminator franchise going for a long time...perhaps that was his angle?
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