did you know that one nickel is worth about 7 cents in metal...?
read a story where some crazy cat bought 1 million dollars worth of fuggen nickels...
20 nickels in a dollar....so somewhere...some dude has 20,000,000 nickels stored somewhere...
a hedge vs hyperinflation...
so the % return is 40% ..so his 1 million is worth 1,400,000
smart eh? well several thing have to happen....first...hyper inflation....and second the hyper inflation will cause a major price rise in nickel and copper...also, does one have to melt this shit up and separate? im frightened that some kook is even doing this....i hear more and more crazy ass shit going on with people that have lots of money...
many kazillionaires are buying up silver and gold...meanwhile us jackasses are watching our rome collapse before our eyes...hey honey....nascar is on...yeeehaw!
i aint going to load up on nickels....thats my least favorite coin....well the penny sucksass too...
the dime is lame...
the quarter rules...it has girth....it makes a great noise when dropped...and they came in handy in college...quarters was a great game...oh the memories!~
i hear all these gold commercials.....the end is near....who the fugg knows...
gold is cool tho....i like gold...its heavy...it is worth a shitload....i love gold coins...cant say that i like gold grills tho...but is it me or does gold look cheesy?...it reminds me of donald trump....that fugger loves that color....i enjoy the alaska gold rush show on the discover channel....those hoosiers put out 250k for a claim in the alaska wilderness....their equipment looks like something i put together....its so rigged up...shakey....crappy....i hope those bastards find a bunch of fuggen gold....they are good people and they are busting their fat asses! they call their dig the honey hole...hahaha...i really want these fuggers to pull out the mother load from the honey hole!!!!
perhaps i should look into manufacturing a home nickel smelter....hmmm...
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