i hate the steelers....just hate em....i hate their colors...their unis...their everything....well except for 2 things...
1. i like pittsburgh....like pittsburghers...i lived there for one year and the city is very nice...the out skirting burbs are cool...rolling hills...great golf courses...always damp tho...the peeps in the burgh are good peeps...they are hard core working types...blue collar...and they love their sports...and they adore their steelers....or " stillers" as they pronounce...western Pennsylvania types talk funny tho...they say shit like..."you'ins going to the movie tonite" You'ins....what the fugg is that....i understand "you'all"...."you guys"...but YOU INS???? thats rehtarded! and they sound fuggen retarded too...
2. Rooney's ..the fam that owns the steelers seem pretty cool...they are a stable group and manage their team that way....the stillers have had 3 coaches in their history....thats pretty cool!
and thats it for the stillers....i hate them! they stole many games from my raiders...the ball clearly bounced off the ground before franco harris grabbed it off a pass to frenchy fuqua (wtf kind of name is that?) ...clearly!!!!!!!!!!!!! the play is famous...the immaculate reception...i fuggen call it the immfuggulate deception....huge game..playoff game...stillers went on to win the bowl...if the raider #31 just wraps fuqua up instead of going for the big hit....game over....fuggen guy...! tatum.....the assassin....went for the decleater....thanks bro...
back in the day, the steelers were cheap shot artist (still are)...but got away with it because the rooneys .... its so clear to me that they get a pass from the refs every single time they hit the field..
their qb is a turd...
espn loves the steelers...
i fuggen hate espn...
go pack! i want the pack in this one...i like the cheeseheads...i like the fact that the team is owned by the people of green bay....wtf is green bay...? who lives there??? why would you fuggen want to live in green bay Wisconsin....? anyway....go pack...
saundoggy says!!!!!!!!!!
24-21 pack....
The Steelers lost in the AFC Championship game to the Fins 21-17 in the year of 17-0. And the next year the Raiders beat the Steelers 33-14 in the playoffs. Football-reference.com