wifey thinks that she is the emp....electro magnetic pulse....and i believe she is right...only when it comes to electronics tho...buy her a phone....breaks....laptop....doesnt work right EVER!...and so it goes from gadget to technolical gadget....there is a correlation there....nooooo fuggen doooot aboooooot it....as my canadian friend would say...she is the emp..
now me....im the fuggen EMP in business....i buy shit at the wrong time....sell shit at the wrong time....invest in x when it should be y....i "advise" wifey to sell her apple stock when it was 80 bucks a pop..now the fuggen thing is 380 sumptin.....nice...glad she didnt listen...
same goes for her google stock.....eeeeee awwwwwww....im a jackass! i think i told her to sell that when it was 150....its now 600 ish.....eeeeeee fuggggggen awwwwww.....jackass!
lately ive got us into some doozies....game changer deals....and when i say game changer....i mean being on the losing side of a 45 to nuttin football game....thats one of those games where you got the holy shit knocked out of you and there is nothing else to do except laugh about it....you dont even watch game film....you got your ass handed to you and you are out of the playoffs...i know we arent alone....but it feels as though we are...doesnt make it feel better....very bitter me is....
what is there to do? you regroup for the next season ....draft some new talent....and you fuggen get back on the field of play and fuggen play on!
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