wifey and i have a very solid understanding that everything we do is a competition....no shit...its quite funny....i wouldnt have it any other way as it keeps you on your fat toes...
our competition never gets any chippier than when i comes to SICKNESS....its funny cuz im just as bad..or worse...than wifey...when im sick, everything/everyone must know....and hear...and feel the pain...this only makes wifey that much more determined to "one up" me in every facet of this weird game we play....i one up too...
"my fuggen nose just blew out gobs of schnott ( i enjoy attaching the "sch" and extra "t" on snot) and bloody crap!"
"well my fuggen nose just blew out gobs of snot...and bloody crap....and urine and fecal matter!"
after getting well...we always reflect on our sickness...its funny as shit..."i was way sicker than you!" "oh yeah....no fuggen way...remember it was i that was puking up both lungs while you just puked up one lung...remember..? right?!!!"
we are both unyielding....never has one of us admitted to the other having it worse...our arguments are all world stupid...yet necessary!
its ez to figure out why....we were both the babes in our respective fams...and that spells trubs....we will remain babies forever...i refuse to give up...no doubt that im sicker this time...and most times...no ifs and or butts abooot it...
meathead and archie went at it....both were sick one episode and the actions that followed are real world to this family...
last night i asked my thread what to do about my cough...this cough is the worlds worst and will be way worser than wifeys....shell get it tomorrow...i was told to bring whiskey/water and honey to a warm temp...and drink it....i didnt pay too much attention to the steps involved and boiled the makers mark (no water and honey) into a flame thrower....i kind of panicked....didnt know what to do so i poured the flaming liquid into the sink and the fire kinda spread....so i turned the water on and well....it kinda extinguished after spreading even more....threw a dish cloth on things and that ended my inferno....
i was supposed to mix it all up then bring to a warm temp....doh!
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