dont really know what i did to deserve the title as "everyones favorite whipping boy..." sad really...i get blamed for everything in my household...maybe its because im a big pussy and cower when it comes to confrontation...
didnt take long for me kids to pick up on this weakness...this cushionality....always needled...always blamed...
bubbas had a football game last night...dark....rainy..under lights...a perfect storm for on field violence...and my sons delivered...they are is awesome....they lay the wood on their opponents....i cant wait for next season!
so awny, after game...gets his book bag and shit out of the bus for our ride home....he has his pads...helmet...we get to me truck and after loading up his shit, he went down to the field to get his forgotten after that search ( he couldnt get them because the gates were locked...and wifey just picked them up just now...we were visitors so it was awkward...thanks you little bastid!) awny gets back into me truck....
backing out, i felt a little bump from me tire...rear tire...then front tire....i proceed thinking that it was a stick er something...we get dinner at grassis (awesome) and go home for chow time...
once home, awny realizes that his school bag isnt in me truck...we look everywhere....fuggen pissed...the little (big) fugger left it at the field...i then realize that perhaps that "bump" i felt was a 7000 lb truck running over ...well...uhhh.... FUGG! i scream...
so i load the little (big) bastid up and we are off to enemy territory...bubs team steamed em anyway...forgot to mention that...and my sons are monsters on the field....for once im proud....anyway...
driving up to where i was parked....dark...not lit up a bit...we see the bag...the bag is black...well hidden...well the bag is awny's school was his school computer...
so we are home soon after and on the way, me son tells me that i shouldve loaded it my fuggen he leaves his bag behind my truck and i guess i failed to see his BLACK BAG in the dark....i failed to load it in the
of course i explain to him that its all on him....and of course he doesnt comprehend...asshole!
then, he realizes he doesnt have his biggie right..just a really...this is a cat daddy reactor watch....we gave it to him for his confirmation...confirmation that he is an asshole im convinced! apparently, his watch was in the book bag...along with his computer..smooooshed off we are ...back to enemy find his pissed! its my fault remember...i told him not to fuggen open his mouth...not a word...
i give him a flashlight....its dark....and his fuggen watch is dark first, i didnt see shit from my truck and all i can think about is how on earth i can contain myself...its times like this where police security is needed...arrests are made....court now hearing the theme song for "cops"
he finds it! im stoked...hes just excited...hes checks it for scratches...its stoked...reactor watches rule! so cool...
i can give a shit about the laptop...its on lease anyway and insured for damage...bummer for awny tho as his hard drive is "tweaked"...thats what the IT nerd said to me this am...fuggen school has a full time IT department...its own geek squad...impressive...this nerd fella told me that theyd try to get his shit off of it....see...everything is on this computer....text books...notes...papers...projects....dunder mifflin is going one uses paper anymore...
moral of the story....its my fuggen fault....i shouldve checked behind my truck for things that might have been left by my children....for my children need me....for my children are hopeless and need direction and attention every fuggen second of every fuggen day....i will never make this mistake again for as long as i live....
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
watched the rugby union championship was on during the raider game, and well....the raiders sucked i watched these crazy bastards play a crazy game...
rugby is is wild...and the players are messed up...i didnt see one ear that looked noses were straight....these boogers are tough as nails...
i dont understand the rules of the game...lots of brutality and punishment...saw one fella step on his opponent...just stomped i guess thats legal...
there is a bunch of passing...laterals...weird throwins....and a scrum...which looks like a huddle...but they are not on the same guess is that there are no pleasantries exchanged in the scrum....i swear i saw some fellas grabbing front of all the world to see.....a package grabbah! owie!
these guys bite each other is that about? flippin crazy....
im glad i didnt play rugby....i would have quit the game they wear short shorts....and thats not jerseys tho...
the all zealand... beat the french...not a shocker.....the french didnt look french tho...they actually looked tough and played hard until the surrender...shocker!
the raiders suck so pissed....they took frances place and surrendered....pussies!!!!
rugby is is wild...and the players are messed up...i didnt see one ear that looked noses were straight....these boogers are tough as nails...
i dont understand the rules of the game...lots of brutality and punishment...saw one fella step on his opponent...just stomped i guess thats legal...
there is a bunch of passing...laterals...weird throwins....and a scrum...which looks like a huddle...but they are not on the same guess is that there are no pleasantries exchanged in the scrum....i swear i saw some fellas grabbing front of all the world to see.....a package grabbah! owie!
these guys bite each other is that about? flippin crazy....
im glad i didnt play rugby....i would have quit the game they wear short shorts....and thats not jerseys tho...
the all zealand... beat the french...not a shocker.....the french didnt look french tho...they actually looked tough and played hard until the surrender...shocker!
the raiders suck so pissed....they took frances place and surrendered....pussies!!!!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
carson palmer is now an oakland raider....peeps say that this was a great move....peeps say the raids paid a kings ransom for him...i say, lets wait and see...
these prognosticators dont know shit....they make a living predicting the future...what a gig...
always thought being a weatherman in phoenix would be the easiest job on the planet....from june thru september.."the temp will be 100 degrees and the humidity will be zero" .... from october thru may..."the temp today will be 60 and get up to 80 to humidity..." what a gig...
i say palmer will be awesome....why..because im a fan of the once great oakland raider football club...
Friday, October 14, 2011
offense v defense
back in the day....whenever our offense would scrimmage the defense....the defense always guess is that the fellas on your own team just hated the offense because we got all the glory....scrimmages sucked as we got the "game" we would score points....the girls loved offense...the glory....the newspaper clippings always showed the touchdowns...never the tackle...
in the real world...offense is still what peeps want to see...touchdowns......goals....runs...a great offensive curling roll...high scoring chuckers...birdies...score score score....
we fellas love going on the offense....we make our move....make a deal....score points in the bidness world....nothing like closing out the side with a curling bullseye! curling rules!
Us fellas continue to go on the offense ...score score never ends...unfortunately, the defense prevails....always!
in the real world...offense is still what peeps want to see...touchdowns......goals....runs...a great offensive curling roll...high scoring chuckers...birdies...score score score....
we fellas love going on the offense....we make our move....make a deal....score points in the bidness world....nothing like closing out the side with a curling bullseye! curling rules!
Us fellas continue to go on the offense ...score score never ends...unfortunately, the defense prevails....always!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
lets go cards!

so gay...go cards! signs everywhere....fair weather fans popping up everywhere....the LOU is redelicious...just made that up...might have to coin that one...
a silly little nut weasel squirrel ran in front of home plate during our battle with the phillies....and now the town has gone squirrel crazy....i hate squirrels...they suck...they arent even nice....they steal shit and i always feel like they will bite your ankle if you get too close to them...the rally squirrel is our towns way of saying we have an it would be super cool if someones dachshund ran across home plate...weener dogs are least i think so...rally weener...imagine the merchandise...the weener dog has traction....fuggen squirrel?
i hate baseball...suckyass boring sport...snoresville...
i do like cardinal playoff baseball tho....watched every game.....the last 162 games dont mean shit to me...
people here are so least i admit a bandwaggoner extraordinaire...
i dont like the brewers...they seem cocky...i hope we smash em...pretty confident my birds will roll into the series...perhaps ill have to buy a shirt or hat....i dont own anything cardinal...
so go cards...! yay!
i forgot where i put the remote....honey!
if this isnt fuggen bullshit, then what is???
"oh honey that was awesome!"
"who the fugg are you?"
Article: 'Mind-Blowing' Sex Can Wipe Memory CleanStephanie Pappas, LiveScience Senior WriterDate: 11 October 2011 Time: 10:42 AM ETSHARE THIS PAGE
A mysterious condition called transient global amnesia can leave people with gaps in their memory after strenuous activities such as sex.
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A 54-year-old woman showed up in the emergency room at Georgetown University Hospital with her husband, unable to remember the past 24 hours. Her newer memories were hazy, too. One thing she did recall: Her amnesia had started right after having sex with her husband just an hour before.
While sex can be forgettable or mind-blowing, for some people, it can quite literally be both at the same time. The woman, whose case was reported in the September issue of The Journal of Emergency Medicine, was experiencing transient global amnesia, a rare condition in which memory suddenly, temporarily, disappears.
People with transient global amnesia suffer no side effects, and the memory problems usually reverse themselves in the span of a few hours. It's a rare condition, affecting only about 3 to 5 people per 100,000 each year. But what makes transient global amnesia so eerie is that researchers aren't sure what causes it, or why patients remain otherwise chatty and alert while missing large chunks of their memories. [Inside the Brain: A Journey Through Time]
"We don't know very much about the cause," said Sebastian Ameriso, a neurologist at the Institute for Neurological Research in Buenos Aires, who was not involved in the 54-year-old woman's case. "It causes a lot of alarm, but this is not a stroke or an event that causes damage to the brain. It's almost always very benign."
Mind-erasing activities
Sex can trigger transient global amnesia, as can other physically strenuous activities. People in their 50s and 60s are the most likely to experience an episode, but strangely, most people with transient global amnesia have it only once. In most cases, the amnesia is anterograde, meaning people have trouble forming new memories. Sometimes, people also experience transient retrograde amnesia, forgetting some portion of their previous memories. In the case of the 54-year-old woman at the Washington, D.C., hospital, the last day was a fog, and she had been forgetful and confused since having sex.
As with most patients, the woman's brain scans using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) showed nothing unusual and no damage to the brain. By the time she left the emergency room, her symptoms were almost gone.
The closest thing to an explanation researchers have for this sex-triggered amnesia is that the problem may not begin in the brain, but in the neck. In a January 2010 study published in the journal Stroke, Ameriso and his colleagues conducted sonograms of the necks of 142 patients who'd experienced transient global amnesia within the last week. They found that 80 percent of the patients had what is called insufficiency of the valves in the jugular vein.
This vein, which runs down the side of the neck, carries spent blood from the brain back to the heart. Valves in the veins prevent blood from flowing backward toward the head, but if the valves don't close sufficiently, blood could seep back upward.
Memory mysteries
The best guess for what might be happening is that patients unwittingly trigger the transient global amnesia by raising the pressure inside their abdomens. This is called the "Valsalva maneuver," familiar as the "bearing down" people might do when lifting weights, defecating or even having sex. The increased pressure increases the resistance to blood flowing down the jugular veins, and insufficient valves may allow deoxygenated blood to push back up the neck. Oxygen-poor blood then "piles up" in the veins draining the brain, especially in central brain regions that are key to memory formation. The result could be transient amnesia.
What this explanation doesn't cover is why most people with transient global amnesia experience it only once, Ameriso told Livescience.
"This doesn't explain why this would happen only once while we do this Valsalva maneuver many times during the day," he said.
Whatever the cause, transient global amnesia can be upsetting. In one case reported in 1964, a man lost his memory the moment he orgasmed, causing him to exclaim, "Where am I? What's happened?" [10 Surprising Sex Statistics]
People with transient global amnesia usually rush to the hospital in great distress, Ameriso said — which is not a bad thing, given that sudden memory loss can also herald a stroke or other serious neurological problems.
For doctors and patients alike the most important thing is a quick diagnosis, Ameriso said. Otherwise, patients can languish in the hospital for days, waiting anxiously for test results.
"It's important to be able to diagnose this very quickly, looking for the insufficiency in the veins," Ameriso said. "If you can confirm that this is the case, you can save a lot of money."
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

so kim jung al passed away this last saturday and the raids won a huge game this sunday versus the vaunted houston giddy fosho as i thought they would choke away another victory...
al was the raiders and now we are finding out more of what most believed to be the meddled into everything....he made all the decisions and made his mark (sometimes of "skid" variety) on the once great oakland raider football club....he would call coaches before during and after games....he made every single draft selection....and as his years went on, his age he was unwilling to take on the newer forms of defense....i say defense because that is where AL truly believed he knew everything about! the raids always played a base style of D...with man to man at the corners....teams didnt need to prepare much for what oakland was going to show them defensively...the raiders were easily read and this made it tough goings for my team over the years...
now, we will see way more zone coverages....cover blitzes...a more modern way of using personnel...
so i say looky out! raids are for real now...
rip mr will be made your mark and now its time for the team to fly!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
guys and different
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
hate frogs anyway!

I went to SMU...the ncaa used my school with their DEATH PENALTY verdict back in the mid 80s..of course we were cheating but others were cheating way more...fuggen brass used us an example....and it didnt the big boys continue to use under the table methods to get the best players...
this article makes me smile!
SMU beats TCU last weekend, Can't let it End there
The SMU Mustangs defeated the formerly ranked TCU Horned Frogs 40-33 in a thrilling overtime upset this past Saturday. TCU coach Gary Patterson was deeply-offended by what he believed to be bad calls by a Conference USA officiating crew.
Patterson was so offended by the calls and SMU wide receiver Darius Johnson saying, "I don't like these TCU people," that he would actually mind to keep SMU out of the Big East if the conference ever came asking for the school. SMU replied to TCU's coaches with actions this week.
SMU will offer ticket plan for the remaining four home games for $40.33. The same 40-33 score of TCU game.
The only thing TCU can reply with is, "our fans wish our tickets were that cheap."
this article makes me smile!
SMU beats TCU last weekend, Can't let it End there
The SMU Mustangs defeated the formerly ranked TCU Horned Frogs 40-33 in a thrilling overtime upset this past Saturday. TCU coach Gary Patterson was deeply-offended by what he believed to be bad calls by a Conference USA officiating crew.
Patterson was so offended by the calls and SMU wide receiver Darius Johnson saying, "I don't like these TCU people," that he would actually mind to keep SMU out of the Big East if the conference ever came asking for the school. SMU replied to TCU's coaches with actions this week.
SMU will offer ticket plan for the remaining four home games for $40.33. The same 40-33 score of TCU game.
The only thing TCU can reply with is, "our fans wish our tickets were that cheap."
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
fun...but the price one pays really pay to play...lake golf orgy trip took everything out of this fat ass of tired...irritable...weak....sleep deprived...
plus the raids lost what i thought would be a cakewalk...that was the shit capper of what was a great, long weekend of gofgofgof!
lake of the o rules....great food, great courses...great times..
36 holes 3 days in a was perfect!
im off the booze fer awhile....thats least until maybe this weekend...
fantasy team got its first victory...i guess thats good....only to learn that bidness sucks ass again...
its ok tho, all of my kids are having issues...this makes up for everything else thats bad...
i want to go back and tee it up!
plus the raids lost what i thought would be a cakewalk...that was the shit capper of what was a great, long weekend of gofgofgof!
lake of the o rules....great food, great courses...great times..
36 holes 3 days in a was perfect!
im off the booze fer awhile....thats least until maybe this weekend...
fantasy team got its first victory...i guess thats good....only to learn that bidness sucks ass again...
its ok tho, all of my kids are having issues...this makes up for everything else thats bad...
i want to go back and tee it up!
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