Thursday, May 30, 2013

bad week..

this week has been brutal....HS mate died....Heart Attack...went out for jog Monday pm....came home after....died...just awful...

former work bro has cancer...leukemia...has 20% chance of surviving...

former partner just declared ch that's that....thanks for participating...

the HS mates passing is tragic no doooot....however he is gone and his wife and kids left behind get to suffer the most....J Wales...."dyin aint much of a livin boy." its not....neither is living after the dying dies...

my bro with the cancer.....stinks on ice....he is not kids....he is a strong fella and tough....I feel that he will defy the odds and pull through....if he doesn't, it will suck...but at least I have the opportunity to visit him and talk about old times.....this is healthy for us both...what if that was me?  we discussed this and I flat out said what I feel...we all die....its the ones left behind that suffer....he agreed...we discussed the passing of my HS friend...when you can discuss life and death like this,  you have it figured out...basically, its all about living...period!  after you are finished living, that's all there is for you on this planet...later! 

pardsy ch 7....this one really makes no difference to me after the other news of the week....I don't give a shit about the money...when you visit a friend in the cancer center, things change...big least for awhile....until we forget....

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

drunks are funny


Double Yikes

one thing I common with most of these fugged up the lean back....I guess this is where a wall comes in handy....

Friday, May 17, 2013

norco catholic soccer

here in the is huge....sure every city seems to claim this....whatevs....St. Louis is soccertown USA for kids...we don't have a pro team....used to have the STL Stars of the now defunct NASL....I think that league is back tho....prob asking...WTF doesn't soccertown usa have a pro team?  the answer is...we don't have enough Mexicans here to fugg off!

my kid played her last HS soccer game ever yesterday.....her team is quite good...very good actually....3rd ranked...her HS is a rich kid skewl...big on sports tho....but soft....with cash comes softness....its a basic...  her team was beat by a north county catholic all "girls" skewl.....the quotes are for gender reasons....Ill leave it at that...these gals were fuggen very skilled....aggressive to the point of...COME ON????

daughters team lost 2 nil...two set pieces did them in and a goal tender that was phenomenal....I mean COME ON???  this gal stopped everything.....came out of box and wreaked havoc on our little princesses...

as usual, the parents were worse....nothing beats the rudeness and udder disrespect of a north county soccer dad....they all were up on the hill yelling at refs....meanwhile the refs were giving them every was ridiculous....I turned around and I think I gave one guy the "stroke me" gesture....not was most likely a throw both palms down arms out gesticulation...not sure that I went full stroke with one palm...if I did, it was slight....all i knew was I heard a gasp..and some mumbling...something like "that guy thinks he is all that"....or maybe..."that fella down there needs a lesson in north county catholic girls soccer.."   immediately thereafter, I began to bow up some....nothing happened of course....they most likely sized me up and thought otherwise...bawawaawawawa!

Its ok tho....daughters last sons will never play vs those girls....but perhaps one day the might....yikes!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Boobs...part 2...

this pic really tells it all....

                                                              he is indeed one of us....

afros...they are awesome

Nothing says im cool better than an afro...afros were the shit in the 70s...afro hair styles were cross boundaries....except ive never seen an Asian....indian...American indian....FRO...

did a member of ABBA sport a fro....if so, even the swedes chipped in on the craze... fros in abba....move along....the swedes are racists!

my best friend in HS had a fro....he looked like fuggen corky the clown when he wore a baseball lid.....fro stuck out from the sides....carried a pick...back cheesy...but that wasn't me...I had golden blonde feathered locks....girls wanted my was I have old man pubic hair on me top....its all course and white/grey...its fuggen a dickhead...literally...

fros were cool....the fella from the band "boston" had the best fro....white guy mind you....

checkout that nest....holy where the fugg are my keys??  they are in your fro bro!

70's HOOP fros take the cake...


Dr J

Artis Gimore

his fro make zero impact on the giraffes guarding him.....the one on the right looks like he might want to feast on the big fellas afro...the one on left is saying..."I have no time for dat!"

baseball had its fair share of great fros....

Oscar Gamble

this is what my HS BF looked like.....corky the fuggen clown!

Bake Mcbride...wonder why he goes by "bake"

then there was the gong show...

the fro is coming back...I see more and more unkempt curlies....

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


daughter wants to have a grad party....fugg that....there is a stack of grad party invites right next to my the kitchen....why have a party when everyone else is tossing money out of their asses for their kids graduation?  so, why not make it easy and just go to their parties....while there, pat yourself on the back for passing fuggen High school....make sure you eat their food and steal their booze...

fugg, these days, a college degree doesn't mean what do we do???   we send our HS passing kiddos to 4 years of sex drugs and rock n roll....I should say music because rock n roll doesn't exist we have one great RR band these days???   just one....last great band was STP....

so enjoy your parties....

the answer is no....what you get is this....yay!  there you go....

Monday, May 6, 2013

may the fourth was with me!

new lego store opened up just down the mall....the LOUs first and only Lego store...knowing me well enough, you should know that this is awesome giddy...

In celebration of their opening, I spent some cash....may the 4th...this Lego store promoted the x wing star fighter....skywalkers ship....same one he used to blow up fuggen death star numero uno...presently it is under construction and things are looking fuggen greatness!

this project blows away doing bubbas are helping huge....this is a family affair....the lego store gave out cardboard yoda ears as a promotional item....I grabbed three and one must wear said ears while constructing Luke's ship...

this is where my life has brought a fuggen galaxy far far away....dang!

shulda called me the dork...

Thursday, May 2, 2013

email hacked....

again...twice in the last two weeks...I don't get password is/was tell you what it is but I have same password for other shit....perhaps I need to change those too...

passwords are the way of life...passwords are used for just about everything....we had a special knock in college...when the knock was used, we knew who was coming in...back in the day, my neighborhood chum and I had our special shout out....wont tell you that either....not only is it kinda weird, but it is rather embarrassing... kids stuff, yet not going to tell...

this fuggen hacker is good...I would've given a grand to anyone claiming I would've been hacked....there is no fuggen way...the perm's and comb's (stat talk) that were at work for hacking my password must be an incredible number.....many multiple!

what does one obtain by hacking into my email?   I don't get it...there is nothing there other than the millions...and I mean millions....of emails to the great thread of fellas....that's my group of college buddies....GTF...great thread of some chinaman has the universes funniest banter....if this fugger publishes any GTF material, im taking action....this stuff is GOLD!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


I love cans, boobs, breasts, racks, bosoms (my mom always called them that and it would crack me up)...

the word tits is very funny to me....I like the word...I love using the word "titty"....when something is titty, it is awesome....spectacular....beautiful...the best!

wifey hates the word...tit and titty...the word derived from the word TEAT....


[teet, tit]   
the protuberance on the breast or udder in female mammals, except the monotremes, through which the milk ducts discharge; nipple or mammilla.
something resembling a teat.
I think definition 2 is fuggen awesome....something resembling a teat is a should it have been ernie and teat?  burts head look very teat like eh?  I love definition 2 for every word.  awesome...the word "shit"....definition 2....something resembling a shit...brilliant!
this leads us to the actual relevance of the teat. naturally, we know the purpose of said body part...  as a full fledged 100% hetero gal lovin fella,  I love mammories....but..i prefer them covered somewhat....that's the beauty of a bikini....topless beaches are gross to me....flapping around....too much nipplage...whatever....