i was just out back hitting 7 irons into the pasture...hitting em pure...as usual...one got away from me tho....badly...this hook had a hook....no way a ball should go where this one was going...impossible!...it was well struck tho...i was calling for the ball to get down! get down you fuggen bastid! why you ask? well...traffic....thats why...
i got lucky...as the vehicle my ball struck was a tow truck...impact was on the side...perhaps the wheel...it was loud enough for me to hear ...about 175 yards away...thats how far i hit a 7...im awesome...
i immediately ran inside...hide! i went to the front of the house ...pulled the curtains back a wee bit...peeked out the window of my dining room...hoping that said tow truck wasnt going to hang a u eee...it didnt...whew! im glad it wasnt a lexus or a bently or a mercedes....bmw...out of our range rover... etal...
this got me remembering back to a time...back in the day....memorial...houston texas....out with SD that night...in his ford bronco...the big boy....the oj bronco...he was speeding through a our friends neighborhood and well....johnny fuggen law put on his bubble gum lights...shit! we are busted...! our buddy told SD to lose him...so SD listened and well...the chase was on...our buddy to SD..."turn here...left...turn here right...i mean left,,,!" well SD went right ..and we were dead ended...SD pulls into a driveway...proceeded to tell us..."HIDE....DUCK!"
so we ducked...just like a kid playing hide n seek by covering their eyes...you cant see them so they cant see you....kids are stupid...just like the brave pilots in the movie independence day...will smith and jeff goldblum...they put the window shield down as they downloaded the virus into the mothership...the alien pressed a button and the shield went up...they proceeded to HIDE! DUCK!
luckily....johnny fuggen law was a neighborhood constable....not a full fledged houston texas badass...
flashlight getting nearer...we were fugged! we were gigling like little girls too....how does one not laugh...?
this barny fife fella let us go...couldnt believe it...i think he saw who SD was and gave us a pass...
so im hitting 7 irons and it reminds me of hide! DUCK! im ready for the golf season..im purey mcpurington!
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