the sheriff came to me office...me other office....and had a subpoena for me...apparently they want me to answer more questions because the ass probing they did on me several months back, didnt go far enough...
bastards...i fought the law and the law won!
good news...its not of criminal nature....quite the contrary actually...its a boring condemnation lawsuit...basically little old us are fighting city hall....and city hall is getting their asses kicked!
so...now i play the ultimate game of TAG...its a rush dodging the law...ill tell my little space invaders to hunker down this evening....do not answer door...sasha will fuggen love taking a nip out of barney fifes ass...watch em run!...sick balls sasha!
they will eventually get to me....they always do....
these fuggers are assholes....this city basically took away an extremely important part of our property....a fuggen curb cut...i guess they feel as tho getting in and out...with ease... of a commercial strip center isnt very important...we'll eventually win, but the costs of our victory will be a new pool and a mercedes for each of our attorneys...guess you can fight city hall...
so tonight it starts....i cant wait to dodge this fuggen guy....game on barney!
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