Friday, November 4, 2011

i go this way...

the other a meeting...with a rich indian head...not a scalper...this fella was smug...he kept saying that living in peace and harmony beats being wealthy...all while bragging about his immense portfolio of real estate...the great deals...the cash...

he went on to say that he respects bill gates...see gates is giving away all of his wealth...he respects warren buffet...i guess he too is giving away his wealth....i doubt that all of it will sure mrs gates and children..grand children...great grand children...etc etc.. will not  live in a van down by the river...

then this fellow went on to say that gates and buffet didnt rob, steal or cheat anyone in order to be the richest two bastards on our planet...rrrrrriiiiiiite??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  GATES STOLE..he stole his operating system from xerox..he stole from apple....buffet rapes the market with every move he makes...buffet can move world markets by cant be that rich without stealing...its impossible!...this guy stole too...he is shaky...has a bad reputation...fuggen smelled too...

then this dot head went on to say he hates republicans....thats when i got angry...on the inside...couldnt show this because this fugger might buy 25 million bucks worth of re from my client...he said that all repubs are shit...and his party should rule the not about to get into any political debate with him...i dont want get political on me blog i will not...but who says this?  even if you mean it...never introduce your political beliefs when you are in a business meeting...and dont bring up religion either....he told us he was an agnostic...what an idiot...

this smug fugger pissed me off...because he was a complete fuggen phony...shocker...a feel good do gooder that doesnt do shit for anyone except himself....all i heard from him was about the good work of the gates foundation....well fella, wtf do you do for people in need?  all i heard from him was "i travel here...i have properties awesome!...india rules...india will take over the world..."  wft...india smells and their caste system is probably the worst on our planet....a close rival is our caste system of govt employees vs us bidnessmen....

this got me thinking....if i was to win the lotto or score huge by screwing over another take the fuggen money and buy meself a nice abode somewhere on a great golf course and tell the world to fugg help my family, the deserving ones....and thats that....thats where i not going to leave my riches to some crap foundation....fugg that! 

thats where i stand...i dont need to feel good for anyone or me short sided and ignorant, but at least you know where i stand!

if this fugger buys this crap im selling taking my huge commission check and wave in his pompous face while shouting out "HERMAN CAIN FOR POTUS!"

fugg that fake!

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