whats up with females....? cfb they talk way way way too much...what takes me about 10 seconds to get out, takes the average gal 10 minutes....
no wonder us fellows tune out....we males are always accused of "not listening..." im definitely guilty as charged...i cant take it...i dont listen....i cant....it all just goes in and quickly out of my semicircular canals...i have the most efficient canals on this planet.....they wisk away the input (words, phrases, and bullshit) at lightspeed...blah blah blah....its gone!!!! blah blah blah.....see ya!
this pie hole spewing ability has zero prejudice...as long as the human has mammory glands and a vagina...its good to go...try me...i wont listen...unless you keep it 2 minutes...thats all i can take...
i get myself in serious trubs....its all because of my superpower, listening wisking abilities...superman has all that talent and wouldnt even come close to my power....blah blah blah blah....LATER!
my dad gave me advice long ago...before i wed wifey....he said ..."just tell her that she is right, and move on..." i know what he means by this now....took me a fuggen eternity...
saw a t shirt today..." i heard blah blah blah, then i went fishing"...smells ya bro...
im convinced this is why i dont really like to talk to anyone anymore...texting and email are preferred...
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