went on my first duck hunt yesterday...fuggen beauuuuuuutiful! this place was so titty...what is titty? well the "tits" are the best....so if something is "titty"....well...its the best...dont know why this is because im an ass and legs man myself...but tits are pretty cool too...
i digress...
this hunt club was exclusive to 4 brothers and another guy....this place is 200 acres of fowl shooting heaven....many blinds throughout...you had to wade out in the water to these blinds...i guess thats why you need waiters....i didnt have shit..but i knew they had gear for me...and boy did they ever! they had everything...guns and ammo and shit...multiple gators for transport to and fro...
the clubhouse...omfg...this place was mount titty! the tits of the titty! plush accommodations included the nicest of nice in leather sofas, chairs, wood burning stove, huge plasma tv...a gear room full of fuggen awesome hunting gear..lockers...a garage with the titty of titty gators and atvs...THIS PLACE IS AUGUSTA NATIONAL OF DUCK CLUBS!
i was the newbie...only one there that has never hunted before...i was told to wear clothes that i would hike in on a cold day...so i wore jeans...and a bright RED jacket...UHHHHH....yeah...well that wass the funny part of the entire day....WHO the fugg wears red when they are hunting?
Saundoggy does thats who!
i was the brunt of all jokes...thing is tho..it didnt matter, because they had a cammo hunting coat for me anyway.....i knew that...but i went along with the crowd...Ive learned, long ago, that when you are made fun of by your peers, its a good thing...that means they like you....that explains why ive been laughed at pretty much my entire life...i have lots of friends....or im the biggest ASSCLOWN in human history...
we didnt get a bird yesterday...the wind was still and the ducks wouldnt come down to land...its ok tho..i got to fire several shots at some ducks that were apparently just out of range...if they were in range...i wouldve bagged about 3 in one shot...im that good...
im fuggen jazzed about duck hunting now..i want to gear up with all the shit and go again! problem is, i want to go to this place...and no other...ive reached the top and will refuse to slum it!
only the best for saundoggy!