poor ted..at starbucks...ive known this fella for awhile....good peeps he is...he is building a house....as a result, he and his family have moved into his inlaws house temporarily....thats a prison sentence already....
teds in the commercial construction bidness.....seen him at bux twice now in the last week or so.....first time i saw him he asked me the wrong fuggen question....and well....i gave him the right fuggen answer...."hows Bidness?" ANSWER: "dude it sucks ass...and it wont stop sucking ass for a long long time!" top of the muffin to you too! ted was depressed....
just this am....i asked ted how his house is going blah blah blah...... he said it will be completed in november....i laughed out loud while saying something like this...."are you fugging serious?" see, when you build something, youre fugged...timelines never matter...around these here parts you have to accommodate deer season...our house took 3 fuggen years to build....ted is a builder and knows this....he kinda gave me a look that said..."saunders..dont fugg with me this am bro...!" ....i went on to tell him that his old house was a perfectly good house and he will regret this move....then i told him if i had my way....id sell my house and get rid of 3/4 of my shit...move in a condo and send my kids on the bus to public skewl!"
nice seeing you ted....
poor fella
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