fuggena man....june blew ass....everything about it sucked....later!
now comes july....this is the month i make some deals....my golf swing is totally back on target....no worries...
july 4 is coming ...we were going to a friends kickass farm for a long weekend of sex drugs and rock n roll....actually...no sex at all....makers mark...and grateful dead music...but i can dream eh?....but that all came to a fuggen halt when the host fuggen cancelled....something about them selling their house and being too busy to entertain the 12 guests or so....great start july....fugg off already!
so now what do i do...? guess ill drink alone yet again....watch car shows....and fishing shows...maybe get some golf in....i dont have a golf crew anymore...so i rely on inviting myself...no one picks up my calls...is this a hint? hell, i dont pick up calls anymore...you email or text me if you want to chat...those are my rules....talking sucks and is a total waste of energy....listening is even more difficult!
so here we are...july fuggen 1...go uncle sam! this country was great...now it sucks...people suck and so does bidness....but hey...ima winner
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