my house is clean and quiet....why is that when just one little shin kicker leaves, all is blissful? happens when wifey leaves too....but when i leave, all shit goes to hell....im not the glue of this family...far from it...but cfb...its easy street when others take off for a spell....
awny misses his bro.....ahhhh how cute right....? wrong....bullshit.....hes bored because he has no one to fuggen throw hay makers at....im sure ferf misses awny for the same brutal reason...
and the clean house....oh its nice...we are the prime example on why a couple should conceive one child....i would love to have been the only child in my fugged up family....i couldnt imagine how cool as hell it would be to be me and wifeys only kiddo.....damn....ice cream every night...!
so far this summer....wifey and i have had both boys gone for about 5 days....and now ferf gone for 7....wifey leaves end of august for a couple days....have that one on me calendar....
when i go to dallas in september....all fuggen hell will break loose here....and ill hear about it every fuggen time i call in....why is that? now i know why some of my very close friends choose not to call in.....smart peeps live in the southwest!
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