wow...watched the raider v rams game yesterday...i was born an oakland raiders fan and root for them no matter what...yesterday the oakland raiders played the hapless stl rams...both teams lost their first game...both teams needed this win...going 0-2 in the nfl is the death nell...
ive watched both teams play this season....i watched my raiders get their asses kicked last week in tennessee...i had it streaming on me lappy and my new lappy almost went for a ride....it was probably the worst ive ever seen an nfl team play...it was embarrassing...
contrary to that..the rams played the az cardinals pretty tough and had a chance to pull off the game....so there was some mo going for the rams as they came to oakland....oakland had to win...if they didnt, their 120th coach over the last 10 years wouldve been fired....
the raider/ ram game was ugly...like c team football...i switched back and forth from this game to the pats v jets...and everything bad about the oakland/ram game was greatness in the pat/jets game....the crowd..the stadium...the feel...the talent...the announcers...the pat/jet game was a real game...the NFL....the announcing team for the raiders was so bad...its as tho they swept up some bums from the street and put head phones on them....i guess when your a level d team, you get level d talent...
the raiders prevailed...barely...and its funny to read and hear the fans/pundits from each team evaluate the game...
rams fans: we had it in the bag...the raiders suck...al davis sucks...we choked...
raider fans: we almost let em have it, we shouldve killed this team...they suck....we beat the shit out of em...the score doesnt show the result...we rule again!
ive come to the conclusion that every fan looks at things with a very narrow view and mind...
how can anyone that watched this game come with this bullshit??? i breath silver and black...im a huge raider fan....their shield is everywhere....i have stickers in..not on...IN big d ...CFB!! (christ on a fuggen bike!)
as a football fan, i will tell you this:::: both teams stink on ice!!!!!...they stink worse than a cam pilley squash shoe (we billeted for cameron pilley AUS...hes a pro squash player...his shoes smell like fresh and steaming dog shit...www.cameronpilley.com...we made him leave them out on the patio....i think they scared away the deer...because the deer do not come around anymore..its been 3 years...) these 2 teams will be LUCKY to win 6 games total this year....that means the raiders are a third of the way there...the fans of these 2 teams need to be real....and they wont...because they are blind and stupid....saundoggy included...
ive watched both teams play this season....i watched my raiders get their asses kicked last week in tennessee...i had it streaming on me lappy and my new lappy almost went for a ride....it was probably the worst ive ever seen an nfl team play...it was embarrassing...
contrary to that..the rams played the az cardinals pretty tough and had a chance to pull off the game....so there was some mo going for the rams as they came to oakland....oakland had to win...if they didnt, their 120th coach over the last 10 years wouldve been fired....
the raider/ ram game was ugly...like c team football...i switched back and forth from this game to the pats v jets...and everything bad about the oakland/ram game was greatness in the pat/jets game....the crowd..the stadium...the feel...the talent...the announcers...the pat/jet game was a real game...the NFL....the announcing team for the raiders was so bad...its as tho they swept up some bums from the street and put head phones on them....i guess when your a level d team, you get level d talent...
the raiders prevailed...barely...and its funny to read and hear the fans/pundits from each team evaluate the game...
rams fans: we had it in the bag...the raiders suck...al davis sucks...we choked...
raider fans: we almost let em have it, we shouldve killed this team...they suck....we beat the shit out of em...the score doesnt show the result...we rule again!
ive come to the conclusion that every fan looks at things with a very narrow view and mind...
how can anyone that watched this game come with this bullshit??? i breath silver and black...im a huge raider fan....their shield is everywhere....i have stickers in..not on...IN big d ...CFB!! (christ on a fuggen bike!)
as a football fan, i will tell you this:::: both teams stink on ice!!!!!...they stink worse than a cam pilley squash shoe (we billeted for cameron pilley AUS...hes a pro squash player...his shoes smell like fresh and steaming dog shit...www.cameronpilley.com...we made him leave them out on the patio....i think they scared away the deer...because the deer do not come around anymore..its been 3 years...) these 2 teams will be LUCKY to win 6 games total this year....that means the raiders are a third of the way there...the fans of these 2 teams need to be real....and they wont...because they are blind and stupid....saundoggy included...
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