we hear all the time that no one likes a quitter...that you have to see everything through....bullshit!
quitting is a very very sound option on occasion...
sure the easy ones are obvious:
drinking (not entirely)
eating crap food
ive always had faith in people...glass half full....but as i get older, im becoming more and more aware that many are just not good people....call me naive...dumb...stupid...i deserve it..
i play squash and im addicted to it...every time i play i pay....i cannot walk right...i feel like i just got in a car accident....my back spasms at night..i cant sleep...yet i still play and will continue to do so
back in the day, i quit football...i had a scholarship...college football was no fun anymore...so i left it...it was tough sledding for awhile....but it all was for the best...
i love golf and love to play the game...i got the shanks and well...that almost cost me my marriage....i had bloodied hands at the driving range after 200 shanks in a row...i went back to the range...over and over again...it just got worse...but i went back...and back....wifey forbade me to go, but i snuck out...it got worse...the only solution to this problem i had (at the time it was a major problem because it effected my entire everything!) was to leave it ALONE...back away...quit for awhile....and go back in due time...now im pure and have never had a horrible bout of the shanks since....sure ill skank ..yes i meant s k a n k...one from time to time...but never thousands over a months time ( i mean it) over and over and over again!
ive entered into partnerships with some fellows that have just abandoned me when things got sticky...im doing the best i can to see things through and do the right thing....i feel like a total jackass....ive been warned over and over again, yet i still step in the steaming pile of shit again and again...
today i declare that im quitting people..! except for family and close friends that is! my glass is now half empty..
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