im at a stop light ...in big d (tundra crew max)...i was in the left turn lane...mindin my own bidness...suddenly...this sob (from the street im turning onto) turns left right in front of me...i mean he cut his turn way short...i was ready to fuggen go off with verbal and gesticular (not a word...but cool use of a cool word) mayhem when all of a sudden i realized how special this sob was...he and i share probably the most special of all things in life....he too drives a toyota tundra crew max...altho not nearly as cool as big d, his truck was the same make and year, but lacked in many ways....so saundoggy morphed from irate mode to instant "nod of approval" mode...i looked at this stranger, who just about took off my front side, and nodded his way...and this fugger nodded back...as to say "hey...youre cool." ...he most likely realized that big d was superior tho, that had to hurt him a little...
wtf just happened????...just because this sob is driving the same rig as im driving, EVERYTHING is cool...this guy could have just beat his wife and kids....this sob couldve just robbed a bank (which is cool by me ...i hate banks...fuggen pussies)....he couldve been the nastiest, worst, smelliest, ugliest human on this planet....BUT...hes behind the wheel of my trucks make and model....i can hear the pretty birds chirping....i can see the wind blown grass in the meadow nearby...the deer are frolicking....the brook is babbling (wtf does that mean anyway?) the universe ...life...everything is all good!
it struck me as a very odd, yet probably a popular and common reaction...i likened it to "fandom"...i do the same thing whenever i see a complete stranger wearing the "silver and black"....the shield of the greatest team in all of sports history...the Oakland Raiders! i treat my fellow raider fans like family....they have to be cool because they are fans of MY team....the Raiders belong to me...i own them...thats how i feel...conversation goes something like this:
wtf just happened????...just because this sob is driving the same rig as im driving, EVERYTHING is cool...this guy could have just beat his wife and kids....this sob couldve just robbed a bank (which is cool by me ...i hate banks...fuggen pussies)....he couldve been the nastiest, worst, smelliest, ugliest human on this planet....BUT...hes behind the wheel of my trucks make and model....i can hear the pretty birds chirping....i can see the wind blown grass in the meadow nearby...the deer are frolicking....the brook is babbling (wtf does that mean anyway?) the universe ...life...everything is all good!
it struck me as a very odd, yet probably a popular and common reaction...i likened it to "fandom"...i do the same thing whenever i see a complete stranger wearing the "silver and black"....the shield of the greatest team in all of sports history...the Oakland Raiders! i treat my fellow raider fans like family....they have to be cool because they are fans of MY team....the Raiders belong to me...i own them...thats how i feel...conversation goes something like this:
you nod because hes wearing my colors...
Me: "raider fan eh?"
fellow: "ya"
Me: "cool"
fellow: "cool"
Me: "we suck again!"
fellow: "ya"
Me: "well... see ya"
fellow: "ya"
all is good...and thats that....thats the way of things when you share the crew max/raider type BONDS!
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