yes! finally...squash league begins this friday...not squash the vegetable...funny...when you mention squash, thats the first thing people think of...wtf...why would anyone want to be in a squash growing contest?...altho there are probably more squash vegetable growing leagues than there are real SQUASH leagues...sad...
squash is the ultimate of all games/sports ive ever played....and ive played just about every sport...except fencing..which im going to try sometime this winter...
squash kicks ass...its a fast paced game that moves slowly...if you have good footy work
and decent reach, you are able to hold your shot...thus making it feel slow...weird i know...but so are squashers..

once again, im stuck in level 3 of my newly drafted team...my capt is #1...i know i can play with the #2s...and they know it too...but once again "FLICKA" (my squash name) is stuck in the b to b minuses..level 2's are A-'s to B+'s....fugg you all if you think differently!
catch that attitude i just showed there? that is very indicative of how these wanna be pompous assholes act in the

of squash. everyone, and i mean everyone who plays this fuggen sport feels that they are way...and i mean WAY better than they really are... and sadly enough, you can lose anytime to just about anyone in this fuggen game....and when you lose to an "inferior"...it stews and boils for the victim...thats the bad part...you hear about it and the asshole that took you down feels like they are a world beater...also, superior players are reluctant to play down thusly, FLICKA has no one to play with anymore....im in a squash groundhog day...squash truman show...every day is the same....my boys have all moved on and wont play with me....their reasons are different....i dont brag when i win, i throw tantrums after both winning and losing! im great for the first 2 games...then i start getting tired and well...all hell breaks loose...
i think ive scared everyone off over the years...i get crazy possessed and want to win so much...i throw things...racquet's (ive bought 2000 bucks worth ez)...i stomp chairs (they have no chance vs the size 13 eeee's)...tomahawked racquets onto the basketball courts (great toss away)...walked off court many times...taking my ball with me...it goes on and on...and i mean on and on...the cussing is the worst....
we play in an open...very open gym like room...and many times, the little ones are shooting hoops or playing tag in the gym while flicka is doing battle....over the years, FLICKA has been responsible for over 500 parents explaining to their young ones what the F word is...thats my go to default word for everything really...its such a release...the ultimate of all therapy for me.....FUGG!!!!....oh i feel so much better! my kids are so proud....they have been there while dad has blown his top...makes for a great dinner time story...wifey loves it...
with league starting...i feel good about my game..and feel good that ill be able to play some other folks....its tough for me to get a game with others...this forces the issue on em...they have to play me...ha! im gunna crush em!
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