today i bit the manopause bullet and purchased a pair of reading glasses....1.5's ...whatever the fugg that means....i guess its better than 2.0...2.5...3.0's
even after lasik (what does that word mean), im still blind...that lasik thing was scary shit..they cut your eyeball....thats gross...then they flip over your eyeball skin flap..and shoot like hell at your eyeball with a laser...put the flap back...then you see crystal clear seconds later...
who the fugg in the wide wide world of sports was the first bastard to have this done to him? probably some poor gulag'ed chinese bastard that said something bad about a commie bastard...
i digress
so now im a fuggen old...white haired....bad fuggen back...1.5 reader wearing...golf loving...willie loehman bidness losing... old sob that drinks his whiskey straight on ice and is getting grumpier by the day...
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