snows here in stl....more so this year than in many past...kind of a nice change until you get the snow plow bills from the meth heads that clear the snow (holy shit you should see the damage these fuggs do to my props...they wreck everything) from your vast commercial re portfolio located in and around the surrounding metropolitan area...wtf did i just type....?
we had a nice storm pass over last week and like clockwork...wifeys kids are fuggen lazy ass bastids...every one of em...all 3! wow...the amount of help we get from these little ingrates is about as minuscule as....ok..ill stop on that one...
wifey and i kind of let this one go for a bit...just testing the chillen to see if , when, and who would want to shovel the fuggen driveway...it was getting late...and it was friday night....and the makers was going down....and saundoggy was gettin whiskey mean....so was wifey...
she yelled...i knew that was the time to stand up abruptly and run as fast as i could to the garage and start a shovelin..like a mad man....when wifey drops the f bomb, i jump higher than a jordan alley ooooop......kids meanwhile....sat on their azzes and watched tv..
she wasnt yellin at me...but who knew...i just took the prompt and went out and started shoveling...as fast as i could....wifey was out too....shes smart enough to put her ipod on....imagine shoveling with music on...shes smart....im an idiot...im all drunk and falling over the shovel...(these shovels are something else....hell, back in our day...when we kids shoveled the fuggen driveway, the shovels were pieces of shit...nowadays, they are built to last and they handle about 100 lbs of load!!)
one of our little darlings decides to join us....whooopty fuggen deeeeee....we have help...albeit we were almost finished..but what the fugg....at least it was something....i let the poor little bastard have it for not coming out in the beginning tho...dont know if that was the right thing to do but fugget...wifey is mad...im put out...its a friday night cfb! and i wanted to relax..drink..and watch shitty tv fireside....instead im out slogging thru the white shit..all drunk and spitting....people die doin what i did...
point is...gawd damn these kids suck!~ they really do....they dont give two shits about me, wifey, you....anyone..! i thought i was an ingrate...i did the work that was asked of me, but i always whined about it....man im a bitch....nothings changed there....but by cracky, i finished the job and i did it well...i cut the grass, plowed the driveway....(holy shit our driveway back in the day was 10 times the size of the little piece of shit i have now....its nothing!)
point is... again....my kids suck! wifey and i are so pissed still! these little money spending, dirty filthy, no good, dont put their clothes away that we fold, ask to go everywhere, ask to be driven everywhere, too bit, rat bastid, oh "we love you when we get what we want" (lasts about 5 minutes) rat bastid, two bit, worthless, ungrateful, rat bastid kids of mine!
afterwards....i made a snow angel....had wifey take a pic....my angel looks dark....evil....wonderin why...fat too...im a fat fuggen slob angel who says that next week will be the start of my fitness ...then the next week...and so on and so forth...actually...i rocked while making the angel thus making it look fat..thats what im going with....thats my story...kids...who needs em...? the college countdown continues....tick tick tick....come on clock!!!!!!!!!!!!!! faster you tick tock clock fugger!
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