fuggen a ...fat mikey has been sick yesterday and today.....that means i get to clean 3 car washes...and cfb they were dirty...!!!
mikey is cool and all and does the half ass job youd expect....he short cuts....hes lazy..wifey is pissed that he doesnt clean the toilet regularly...we have a toilet in each wash (equipment room..perfect throne)...bonus!!!!...but hes dependable...i dont mind really....except today...it is cold...rainy and wet and cold....and wet..
my feet are still cold and wet and i was finished hours ago...
today was sketchy....its rainy (did i mention that) and many hood cruisers came in...stopped..some made cell calls...and left...this went on for awhile until two police cruisers decided to use my lot for a conference room....this was good and all...since the cruisers were parked there....no one...and i mean no one came in....hmmm ...lets see...its raining and well....car washes dont do any bidness while its raining...so why all the hoods/thugs/pants on the grounders?
this particular wash has been targeted and hit several times over the last 2 months....funny thing is...the fuggen police station is literally...and i mean literally....ACROSS THE STREET from my property and business...( the wash business is an expensive hobby of mine...long story..ill tell later....)...you should catch a glimpse of this police squad...the one fella that came to file the report after our last theft looked like policeman the hut! his teeth were all rotted out too...meth anyone? he did tell us one thing that all should know...ONCE A THUG HAS TAKEN YOUR STUFF...HE THINKS ITS HIS>>>HE EARNED IT....AND HE WILL DEFEND HIMSELF FROM IT BEING RIGHTFULLY TAKEN BACK...in other words....he has what was yours and hell cap yo ass if you try to get it back... nice eh? thanks fatty for the advice...now move along and go eat a fuggen donut...then smoke some meth while you peek out of your police office watching the thugs mark me...
feb 3 is my conceal carry class....one of these days, thatll come in handy...im packin anyway...in missouri, you can pack without a license as long as you are on your property...
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