we have a nails salon in our center...we have a nails salon in every one of our centers..they are everywhere! i dont get it...just bite the fuggers off and spit the fuggers out!
yesterday, one of our salons was transitioning...actually, they were selling their bidness to another chump...nail salons are like chinese restaurants....once a chinese restaurant, always a chinese restaurant...never fails!
most every salon is owned by a Vietnamese named nguyen...(pronounced "win")...every fuggen one of em...i think the word Nguyen means "im going to do your nails and talk about you to my girls cuz you cant understand a fuggen word im sayin....and do this with a smile")
our transition yesterday was a dance like no other...the seller was off to vietnam to tend to a sick family member, so time was critical...the seller was in default and told me not to disclose this to buyer...the buyer told me they were not related..(id asked because they have the same fuggen name...nguyen!!!)...they were related....liars!...the seller owed us money and this money was to come from the money received from the buyer....oh, id forgot to mention that there were 10 people in our office all speaking Vietnamese...many of them smelling like they just went shrimping...cfb!!!
i have never been thru such drama for a 600 sf fuggen nail salon purchase/lease deal in my 20 plus years of re bidness...the drama....the negotiating...the back stabbing...family vs family...
the bill of sale was concocted right then and there...shoe string..seat of your pants type deal....nice preparation!..they got on wifeys computer, dialed up google docs and sent it to our printer.....we had to hurry as the plane to ho chi Min city was about to board...
this is an old trick...probably the oldest...the use of time...the rush..the hurry...we will buckle...or so they thought...
there was a shortage in the money owed to us...not substantial...but a shortage nonetheless..."we pay later"....."rrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite"...."no serious, we pay you later..next week"
deals dead then....bye and good luck...
never seen 10 asians go that quiet that suddenly..
"we get money"
end of the day, after plane was supposed to leave, they come back with all the money due...and the duke of the lou feels like the entire bidness world is back in order...
baby im back!!!! im a nguyener (winner) again...when one can hold firm and defeat 10 vietnamese, one can achieve ANYTHING!
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