love my doc...hes pretty awesome...
today i found out the following:
i have high BP..thats new
i have a slightly swollen prostate..uhhh
i have a very bad back structure...discs...we knew that but its getting worse
my temp was 97...its fuggen cold here!
BP...whos BP isnt high now? this fuggen recession is kickin me in the nuts
Prostate....ok ok..so i got my first total invasion of privacy today....my ass hurts...i feel violated and rightly so...now my back hurts and my ass hurts...i tried hard to talk doc out of this procedure but heck, i was there so it was convenient for him i guess...my ass hurts...im violated and my ass hurts
BACK: my back hurts 24/7...i have tried just about everything sans back fusion....which im tempted...but that might keep me golf game from being as crazy long as it is currently..im booming the ball...my back hurts only before and after activity....while active, pain goes away...so i guess the best cure for me would be running forever...no stopping...just run forest run...i have 3 discs that really dont even exist anymore....cysts...arthritis..herniations...fissures in my discs...wtf is all this shit? and why do i have all these fuggen problems? its sickening! he shot me up with cortizone and i live to fight another day er two...
97 temp....its winter and its cold..so im cold...im never cold but for some strange reason, im getting colder and colder...MANOPAUSE im told....bullshit...im just getting old...soon ill be one of those old fuggs that wears the khaki jacket 24/7
MY ASS HURTS! ive been raped!
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