i sit here...taking a break from the daily landlord beatdown...thinking about my next golf trip..
i know for sure, im going to sandhills, ne in july....just got the invite..and saundoggy is there!
ive read a bunch about sandhills....all i know is that it is directly in the middle of nebraska (never been to that state) and that it is very exclusive...there are many hills...and lots of sand....not only private exclusive...but exclusively the only thing to do there is golf! sounds like paradise to me...im sure there will be major stakes poker going on...ill have to play of course...and well...probably get taken to the woodshed....my mom always told me im the worlds worst liar...and i think my bluffing skills follow suit...better bring some cash....shit!
i know ill be going to the lake of the o this summer too....family trip, but saundoggy gets to escape and golf while wifey and friend and kids shop and do hoosier shit...
every year, about 30 to 40 of my sigma chi mates gather at a resort and golf and drink and drink and drink...dont know where we go this year...but i think im in this year...i missed last year and feel like shit about it...
every october, i go to dallas to visit chucky....when chuckys not busy whackin it, he makes time for me and we fuggen go off with gof gof gof...its a gof orgy...chucky is the funniest human alive and after a long weekend with him...my stomach hurts
every summer...sd comes up from htown...we hit all the great tracks..the best clubs.. here in the lou...sd had been doing this for many many moons...id say 16 out of the last 20 years...nothing beats his visit...he is a dear friend of mine and of my family and when he is here...i get the green light of all green lights....another golf orgy but this time i get to sleep in my bed...and poop in my poop room...thats a big time bonus!
if my niece goes to camp this summer, built and i will go down branson way and golf it up! built hates golf....as posted before...he'll play with me tho...im his exclusive golf buddy....dudes got mad skills with his swing..its a beautiful swing...yet there is very little yield....you see him swing and you think..."this guys good...wow...!!!"...then he hits it and you say to yourself...."how the fugg did he hit the ball so fuggen poorly....?" kind of like one of my bidness deals....lots o sizzle in the beginning....then it licks ball sack soon after...schwetty ball sack...
golf is great when you play great golf....and saundoggy is great! pat pat pat
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