parked in my driveway...loaded with 4 boys...16 year olders...were over for a spell yesterday....like dogs in heat....they circle my daughter....in our day, the phone would ring...right? i guess our parents knew who was calling and when.... now its skype, text, facebook, and cell phone....its impossible to track these dogs...
i knew this time would come soon...syds got it going...shes smart, attractive, blond...cant figure out if she acts dumb because shes blond or is just kinda dumb....she makes solid grades with little effort...like everything, she does just enough to get by...its kind of aggravating because that fuggen kid is blessed with talent and brains...she can play every sport well....but not one sport really well....she goes out for golf, because its easy, and makes the varsity with zero prep....i mean zero...shes a natural. if she would focus on golf for one summer, she would be scholarship city!
now the dogs are circling and..." DAD!!! they are just friends!!! I hate you...dont talk to me!"
so i watch and laugh...
i saw that car and laughed my ass off....right away i sang..."MOTORIN!!!! whats your price for flight...in finding mr right.....ill be alrite tonite..."
then i got kinda mad because that song reminds me of boogie nights (great awesome flick)...and then i thought of the characters in that movie....then i told the boys to get the fugg out! these boys are scared of me....i want to keep it that way...
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