so...now that nexrad radar (channel 2 i think)...fourwarn radar (channel 4) .....first alert weather(ch 5).... have it right with regards to the weather....WOW ARE THEY COCKY! they are wrong all fuggen forever and now they peg SNOWMAGGEDON correctly....

all im hearing is ice this...snow that...inches here....feet here...enough!
radio announcing record crowds at grocery....u know...because people here dont have enough to survive a 2..max 3 days shut down....cfb...we can survive here through nuclear war...we have so much shit packed in our 3 refrigerators....3 freezers...
milk...eggs...bread...and electric generators.....all sold out...amazes me every fuggen time....never fails...
problem with this storm...ICE....and the fact that we will lose power here at my pad....always happens...never fails...there could be a slight zephyr and our power is fragile at best...
so what does one do without power..? well...around my house...we fuggen become the Donner party....anything goes...its dog eat dog....without power there is no tv....no tv and saundoggy's family is a worthless unit of flesh and bones....
we will lose power...noooo doooot aboooot it...not only do we get 1 inch of ice....we also get 6 to 10 inches of snow....then to cap it off...wednesday we are blown 20 to 30 mph in windage...that will snap em off....snap crackle pop....so much fun!
oh goody...we are in a blizzard warning now...boooooooooring
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