it cracks me up when there is a "crisis..." every fuggen thing is a crisis! crisis here....crisis there..here a crisis, there a crisis...everywhere a crisis crisis!
presently we are getting pounded by mutha nature....its winter here in the lou and a huge snow storm is coming.....cool...so you hunker down and you eat shitty food...not shitty like sick....but shitty like chocolate...cookies...chips....the shittier the weather , the shittier the food you eat...
now if the power goes out, i might change my tone....but only somewhat....we have gas fireplaces...so we breakout the board games and pretend to be a family for a bit....until i catch a bubba cheating at monopoly....then i get pissed and go for their mortgages!
im listening to radio and peeps are calling in....here is what im hearing.....over and over again::::
"im here in washington mo and bye golly the snow is coming down sideways here"
"im on hwy 70 and its bad out here"
"im outside my house here in north county and its cold , snowing, and icing out here"
over and over and over and over...
holy shit shut the fugg up you silly stupid people~
this crisis is nothing but a winter event....its winter...just because its the perfect storm scenario and the governor has called it a state of emergency and in doing so, procured the mo national guard.....its no crisis! i still have my laptop...cable....fire....food...water...radio...family...wtf
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