well fat mike gets back to work manana so this am was my last car wash day. i learned a whole bunch about our future today....and well folks....its grim....very grim....almost apocalyptic...
this lady...mom...with her 2 kids...was using our vac with all 4 doors open and music..if you call it that....blasting away....the fuggen bass was earth shattering...the lyrics were so unreal....the wash was empty...its fuggen cold and rainy (days like this just make me so happy....fuggenot~!!!!) and this ladies gig was a solo act...so i focused...focus is difficult for me...
lyrics: something like this::::" fuggen ho crack beotch, bend over and take my (blank) ...smoke that crack you fuggen ho!!" i figured i heard some sirens and a bunch of bass as the music element of this diddy....also the record scratch sound.....eeeee errrrrrrr eeeeee errrrrr...whatever.
what struck me as absolutely ludicrous was the fact that this gal is singing away....dancing away....vacuuming away...while her 5 to 6 year old kids were in the car....i was thinking to myself....maybe these kids are deaf and cant hear this shit? that would be a cool thing...if these kids are learning this, and they are.....we are in big trubs!
10 years from now, this kid will be 16...wonderin how he will ask a girl to the homecoming dance? "yo crack beotch! grab my (blank) and dance on yo knees!" and you think im angry and bitter...
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