i promise that one day ill be better....but i dont see that coming anytime soon...
id read somewhere (i dont remember because i dont read...well...i read playboy and every gofgofgof! mag available...mens health too...thats a cool mag...tells you shit...how to make your lady happy...shit never works tho....i digress) that there are several stages one goes thru during a traumatic event or crisis...
denial...wig out...anger...face the music...conquer....er sumptin like that...
i guess everyone feels better when they have a schedule to follow...or better yet...told that there is a sked to follow and everything will work out ok....
my schedule is wake up..get coffee for wifey...off to work...bend over and have some big ole prison type monster have his way with you...watch shows..sleep....rinse and repeat...
im stuck in stage fuggen 3....actually i frolick freely from stage 2 wiggy to stage 3 anger ....i ride that fence and my nuts hurt from the constant teetering....me sack is on fire! wig out...get pissed wig out pissed wig out pissed.....pissssssssssed pissssssssssed....wiggy...price is right horns a blarin!
there is no such thing as karma...i looked into Buddhism and the yin yang shit...not for me....im convinced that 98% of humanity is fuggen horrible...following the rules has become boring....im going rogue...you betcha!
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