greed is a human action that can be turned on and off...everyone is capable of being greedy....some choose not to be....some choose otherwise...
the rule followers are smallest group of mankind...the rule followers represent all that can be good in our society...unfortunately for the rule followers, they are the targets of the greedy...the rule followers get to pay for the GREEDS..the GREEDS fugg it up, the RULIES fix it...the greeds take the money away, the rulies work hard to replace the money....the greeds corner markets, use insider info, and hedge using their evil tricks, while the rulies see their hard earned money disappear like a fart in the wind...
im a fairly self centered guy..ok, im quite self centered...but i will not screw someone out of their deservings...i refuse to sell someone something that i dont have my own skin on the line...
nowadays...peeps can fuggen go BK and still drive their Porsche's and live in ladue...while their rule following pardsy pays the fiddler...
im fortunate enough to be able to pay the fiddler....for that im thankful...got that way because i dont drive a porsche and i dont live in ladue...
clint said it best...in dirty harry...."a mans got to know his limitations" ....top 5 greatest quotes in movie history! dont fuggen doubt me on that one...words that i live by...thats why i puss out and lay up when there is any par 5 doubt...
im a good friend to have...i will not be your partner though...im going pardsyless for the rest of my life...maybe...doh!
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