sure...sing it like the disney song...the movie where the animated lion cub is so cute...grows into a man....and after much heartache and pain....gets his opp to run the pride....
well my story is different....
my best deal ever was selling a huge...vacant ....outlet mall....i controlled both sides of this deal...and made a great check....was supposed to be way more...but the fuggen closing is "nick" heaven.....you go in thinking youre going to score...you come out nicked up lucky to receive 50% of what you thought or should have received....money is on the table....big money....and well...there are lawyers present...and buyers that feel that there is some last second wiggle...
usually there is....the wiggle is in the fluff....the commission is a big part of that fluff....so its gets nicked! fuggen nick!!
this same cat (my seller) that made a load from this sale...ended up being one of my precious pardsos...he left me with a stink pile.... im in the circle of fugg! unfortunately for me....his 80% of this deal he brought me in on is worth nada....my 20% is worth something...being a rule follower...im in the circle of fugg! he spent his load on other things i guess...fuggen greedy guy
the buyers of this mall ended up federally indicted for fraud...they sold 100s of thousands of those auto warranty's that never amounted to a hill of beans for the buyer....it did create a huge hill of cash for these two fellas selling this shit tho....one dude built himself a 35,000 SF abode....the other cat a lessor 15,000 SF shack....they had homes in the caymans...jack the hole wyoming...these homes werent homes...they were a hoosiers paradise...equipped with all the toys.....hoosiers with money.....scary scary shit...laughable shit too...hoosiers spend their money better than any demographic....its fascinating...these cats also had a stockpile of::::....bentleys....go carts....sports cars....they fuggen had a racing boat built that was a perfect replica of the fuggen BAT BOAT!
ok...those bozos have been caught...my partner is in big trubs...
im actually pretty ok compared to those mutters!
guess i chose the wrong people to transact bidness with....always been good at reading people too...guess i got a little greedy and wanted to make a quick score...
the circle of fugg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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