syd starts soccer today...only been on her to go outside and kick the ball a little...she didnt...she hasnt touched a soccer ball since last spring....no passion....and i dont care really...
here is what i care about...
this am she fuggen blamed me because she couldnt find her shin guards and her socks....fuggen rehtard! a 16 year old dame blaming me for shit i have nothing to do with....i stared at her in disbelief...what does everyone say now...."REALLY....REALLY" ala SNL....
actually, syds on her way to wifeydom...she is ahead of that fuggen curve....poor bastard that marries this one....he is in for a life of total crap..."why were you laughing during syds wedding ceremony mr saunders?"
kids are tards..."where are my shoes?" like i fuggen know...check under my fuggen bed in my fuggen bedroom...most likely they are indeed there....when i was a kid, i stayed FAR FAR away from me parents bedroom...it smelled like old people...still does...creepy fuggen place....thats where MY dad gets busy with MY mom....and that aint right...so why the fugg do my kids st up thir residency in my fuggen bedroom? maybe i should tell them where i get busy with wifey....even so, that wouldnt scare em off.....nothing scares these kids...they have taken over!
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