shawshank redemption!
this movie should win the award every fuggen year! hollywood blows ass...nothing good has come from these stupid bastards since the movie "the incredibles."
there is zero...and i mean zero creativity anymore....lets make a movie and blow shit up...or lets make a movie from a 1970s sitcom or copshow.
shawshank has it all....it is greatness! the story...the acting....the everything fuggen rules....that movie shows up on my channel scan and im hooked....i have to watch it no matter the fugg what...."dad, im severely burned and need to go to the emergency room!"...."shut the eff up, andy is about to tell red about the volcanic stone under the huge oak tree in the meadow where he asked his wife to marry him...after they shagged!"
oscars can eat shit....movie stars suck....they all think they are experts on shit...i dont fugging care about sean penn...hes an asshole and he needs to stfu! just act and shut up...you hang out with the Venezuelan commie.....eat shit bro
big fan of daniel day lewis movies too....that fugger can act...
enjoy mob movies too....godfather 1 and 2...goodfellas....casino...the town...
i like the bourne movies...
i like dark movies....
dig the fugg out of star wars....im a total geek...but the prequels licked bag...stupid lucas high jacked these movies and introduced the worst actor of all time to our planet!!!!....jarjar binks....cut my nuts off! empire strikes back rules...vadar was a fuggen bad ass...darth fuggen vader!!!!! yes!!!!!
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