monday...the day after...many know this as the "dark days ahead"... actually i just made that shit up.....a time of void....major gapdum...a vast canyon filled with nothingness....CFB THE NFL SEASON IS OVER!!!!!!!
depression has set in already....fuggen mopey dick all am and pm today....no more nothing!
once again, my once great oakland raiders failed to win the superbowl this season....ill have to wait until next season.... the superbowl is in indy next year....i can get there in 4 hours....and will enjoy watching my once great oakland raiders beat the packers in superbowl 46! bank it!
so...what does one do for fun now? mess around with wifey?....uhhhhhh...shot down ad nauseum...etc etc etc...ad nauseum...!....go to the range and hit balls?...uhhhhhh there is 5 inches of fuggen snow on the ground! watch hoops? uhhhh fugg that...hoops isnt good until the ncaa tourney! ( i refuse to call it "march madness"...i loathe that name....march madness...so contrived....so fake...stupid...BEAT IT!)
these are the days of nothingness...its cold...dreary....cold...dark...dismal...
guess i could get into my sons hoops games....they are awesomely shitty at it...(they do play tough d tho...admirable)..and their team gets steamed every fuggen game.....i dont recall a "win" for as long as i can remember...gawd they suck....its not as tho they suck entirely....they just suck kinda sorta....
syd goes to connecticut for the national HS squash championship this thursday.....the parents and coach wanted me to go as a chaperon....NFW im doin that shit! i dont want to be within a 5 mile radius of any of her games/competitions/everything... see that way im not to BLAME for her failures...im smart...i eliminate that excuse from her cache...plus she'd treat me like shit in front of her friends...kids do that i guess...cant stand the fakeness...girls...girls ...girls...
good luck syd...seein as though youve had all the opps in the world to be a really great squasher....prob too late now...cant wait to hear her in 10.."i never had the chance to be good at anything! why didnt you push me more...? wahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
these "dark days ahead" will end soon enough....maybe...perhaps march...the ground will be visible and i can put a peg in the ground....fore!
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