wifey pops out a baby and immediately they become ingrates....from newbie to adult...it never ends...
parenting is one tough obligation...there is no planning.....its a crap shoot... emphasis on crap...
just when your little darling sees a glimmer of light...maybe...they tear your head off and crap down your neck...
then you begin to wonder....wtf is my purpose?
there is no satisfying these little bastards...sure there are some good days...great days...
ingratefulness's has no boundaries....it spans every demographic...every culture...its global... universal......galactic...
birthdays? poor little thing didnt quite get all they wanted ..boofuggenhoo!
christmas...? we just give the kids money...they can buy their own shit
everyday, its.."can i have this...that...money....rides...friends over..."
these creatures sap the fuggen life out of you...its a constant battle...never ever ends
parenting is one tough obligation...there is no planning.....its a crap shoot... emphasis on crap...
just when your little darling sees a glimmer of light...maybe...they tear your head off and crap down your neck...
then you begin to wonder....wtf is my purpose?
there is no satisfying these little bastards...sure there are some good days...great days...
ingratefulness's has no boundaries....it spans every demographic...every culture...its global... universal......galactic...
birthdays? poor little thing didnt quite get all they wanted ..boofuggenhoo!
christmas...? we just give the kids money...they can buy their own shit
everyday, its.."can i have this...that...money....rides...friends over..."
these creatures sap the fuggen life out of you...its a constant battle...never ever ends
its not our/your fault either....it just is...no explainations...deal with it best you can and get them out of the house..
the truth doesnt come out too easily...if at all...its the OJ syndrome...tell yourself enough times that you didnt shit disturb your sibling and you start believing that the other started the battle...
satisfaction is a very very strong feeling....its utopic really...im satisfied that my kids will be ingrateful today...about something...
i had a huge lunch today....my stomach is overly satisfied at the moment...
sounds like my ingrateful college roommate!