at the docs office yesterday afternoon...waiting room full...my doc is a rusky, and must treat every russian old fart in the stl area...great doc tho!
the ringtones from the patients were god awful...its apparent that the older crowd doesnt really care to change the default manufactured tones....you know that obnoxious ringer....the swooshy space aged crap noise....
and that got me thinking..
ringtones are a good way to tell all, that want hear, who the fugg you really are....
mine is the old fashion telephone ringer....its a classic...bold...loud...and just about everyone uses this same tone...that makes me one of the borg...a conformist...im the guy that goes to the longest line at the toll station..because i know it is open for bidness....sad really...need to change that...boooring!
only one of my ringtones is different...when the mother in law calls, my phone blares out the "emperors march" from star wars....fitting...she is not evil at all..but the mother in law marches in and uses her powers to influence everything and everyone...
my kids will sometimes mess around with me phone and change things up a bit...thats kinda cute and all but i really hate it....my kids mess around with all my technology....jail broke me ipod...the jail broken ipad is not a good thing...all it does is make shit way more confusing than it already is...i dont need my icons to move around....wtf!!? ...they change my screen savers on me pad and lappy....all that does is drain the already shitty power supply that these gadgets contain off the assembly line....what makes them do this? answer is simple...they look at me a stick in the mud and feel that me life needs spicing up...well, i dont...just leave my crap alone you little space wasters!
i go back to the old fashion ringer....boooring, loud, and booooring...im one of those...
one day ill be that old russian in the waiting room...with gout and a default ring tone...
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