cowboys and aliens....good movie...entertaining....those poor primitive cowboy bastards had to deal with these brutal aliens...how they won that battle back then with primitive weaponry is beyond me..
watched a great show last night on history channel....ancient aliens....basically this show splains just about everything to me....pyramids....the dome of the rock....all these crazy ass structures that were built long ago....no way man did this shit....religion and the gods are basically explained as a close encounter of the third kind......thats what the show told me....
also, every encounter that the profits had were of alien nature...makes sense...an alien would come down to our planet...give a message to one of these bastards...and the deed was done...these aliens were all glowing and their vessel was no doubt covered in multiple colors of light....kinda of like a las vegas sign landing near you....
this week has been perplexing for me...on monday i saw a new show..."curiosity"....the pilot was all about how the universe began....stephen hawking explained....basically said that we humans are a mistake....that something kinda small went wrong during the big bang...big bang...i like that...if yo gunna bang, make it big yo... and we evolved into this shit...blew my mind....it was cool...
so with these aliens telling our human ancestry what to do and how to build shit....and hawking telling us that we are a mistake....i feel like partying! wtf are we so stressed out about? im one fat mistake amongst billions like me....drinks are on me!
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