bubbas dentist appointment sked for 7 am this am...since the recession, we have moved to out tenants dentist practice....makes sense...got to feed who feeds you right? plus our last dentist was a fuggen robber....and he wouldnt deal when i came to him with a more "market" proposal.....idiot....plus he smoked and had excessive nose hair....wtf...trim that!!! plus the dude always tried to hook up his dork son with me daughter...weird shit....just clean my teef and overbill me asshole!
guess who made the 7 am monday am appointment?...ill give u a hint.....IT WASNT ME!!!! so wifey tells me over the weekend that i have to get two 13 year old giant hibernating bears for a 30 minute trip...yes 30 minutes as she is our only dentist and she practices at our furthest away property.... to get their fuggen teef cleaned....drills...suction....flouride....kids love that shit right?
presently, im a fuggen zombie....ive powered thru 2 sbux coffees....strong tea...and all i have to show for it is droopy eyes and a sore asshole....i feel bad for the dentist office....by now HAZMAT is probably there in their yellow suits...eradicating the hazardous waste i left them....sorry!
august just started and it already sucks!!!!
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