so ferf whacked awny with the vacuum pole and broke his celly....shattered awnys smart fone....hurray!!! another claim! that be number 4 in 30 days...
awnys on number 2...his first was swimming pool bound
ferf left his at the kc airport
syd dropped hers in her toilet....how the fugg does that happen?
so it cost 100 bucks every time we get a phone replaced...they send you a refurbished fone which means it was someone elses piece of shit before..perfect..
im not buying this one tho...each bubba has to pay me 50 bucks for this fone.....why u might be asking? well...im initiating the instigator rule ala the NHL....this fone broke due to provocation from the instigator..in this case...awny....see awny shoved ferf and ferf retaliated with a crack of the vacuum tube...i guess it was handy...weapon user ferf is...use your fist man..come on......if awny didnt shove him, then ferf wouldnt have cracked him one...
and so it goes....both are bummed...
top 5 biggest pains in the ass....getting a new cell phone...it takes forever to deactivate.....activate...make sure your fuggen contacts get transferred..im talking 100s of man hours dealing with some dot head in india...
and its all our faults....because we need to know where jr is all the fuggen time...screw that shit...i say toss the fones away...save your cash, and let jr walkabout wherever...more than half the time the fugger doesnt even have his phone... doesnt answer...or forgets to plug the fugger in...!
ive had it...again!
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