another back injection today...4pm...needles suck...
woke up this am and my fuggen left eye was swollen shut...allergies i guess....had to wear me sunnys until the damn thing went down....felt like a prize fighter...i looked like a fuggen mongoloid...i couldnt recognize myself...weird...
reminds me of an episode i had several years back...i popped some blue berries and went for a 5 miler...i lasted about 2 miles before my face blew up...my lips looked like mush mouth from fat albert and the gang.....eba dooba fata alberta......i loved fat albert...great show...always a lesson to be learned from every episode..."dont be scared...of a hospital...when youre there...at a hospital...youll get good care....at a hospital...and when youre there..bah bah .. youll get ice cream....!"
i looked like Mussolini after the pack got to him....went to hospital....iv...face went down...never did find out why me face blew up....
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