you either love em or hate em.....the once mighty OAKLAND RAIDERS...i love them...
the press hates them....the true fans around the globe LOVE this ball club.....the raider nation chooses you....you dont choose the raider nation...i was chosen long ago...once chosen, you cannot break that bond....no matter what...we are the sith...
the raiders are owned by mr AL Davis....he is one crazy fugged up human unit...Al Davis would make a great james bond villian...he looks and acts like one of those unfortunate bastards that took a bullet from Bonds Walther ppk....shakin not stirred...
the raiders get no love whatsoever from anyone holding "press" credentials...tune into espn, anytime during any day, and you will witness disparaging remarks about the silver and black from one of their talking heads....highlights abound showing other teams scoring on the raiders....laughter in the background....its uncanny...
the raiders made their bed back in the 60s and 70s....they were the true mavericks of the NFL....they cheated both on and off the field....it was blatant...and they didnt hide this from anyone...they took other teams outcasts and let them loose on their opponents...linemen and linebackers putting casts on their arms ...weaponry...those were the good old days...
the raiders are responsible for countless rule changes...the raiders are responsible for many of the great "name" games that are highlighted and showcased by NFL films......examples:
the" immaculate reception" game...an unbelievable chain of events that literally gave birth to the pittsbugh steelers 70's era dynasty...the ball clearly hit the ground...fuggen werld!!!!!
the "sea of hands" game....a crazy come from behind win vs the miami fish...
the "heidi" game...broadcasters cut into yet another unreal comeback and victory over the ny jets....i guess they thought the viewers would rather watch a dumb swiss girl frolic up the mountainside vs watching the mad bomber Lamonica lead the once mighty and great oakland raiders to another miraculous victory...me pops was at that game...he still says that this game was the best, most exciting game he has ever seen...and unlike the millions watching on tv, he was fuggen there!!!!! awesome!!!!
the "holy roller" game....this one really sucked...the raiders cheated their way past the sandyeggo chargers...no doubt that this was the cheapest win in NFL history....i still feel guilty about that one...this was a rule changer and the game is better for it! ill give that one!
the "ghost to the post" game...dave casper makes a great catch to win a biggie playoff game in baltimore...
the "fumble" game..or the "snowjob" game....the "tuck (rymes with...) rule" game this one took years off my life...this game vaulted the patriots into their current dynasty status...crystal clear to anyone that this was not an incomplete pass....it was a fumble...raider ball....game over...off to pittsburgh...then onto the superbowl...stolen from the once mighty oakland raider football club...
google these games....its all there...unreal shit....
these actions from back in the day have come back to haunt the once mighty oakland raider football club....many many many debts are currently being paid back to society....even tho the raids have come "clean" and play by the rules...the modern day raiders play within the rules..they have become nice...probably the reason for them sucking ass lately!
the refs hate them...the refs screw the raiders on phantom calls...the raiders play against their opponents, the refs, and the world every fuggen game....sickening really...why...?
Kim jung al...thats why....my owner, al davis...a man that 99% of humanity hates...really hate...ive met al and he is a weirdy...to Als credit, he did hire the the first minority coach...actually, he has hired 4 minority head coaches... his ceo is a lady...cup check tho...he helps out his former players almost to a fault....he is very loyal to his players...check that...the players that are loyal to him....and if you happen to run a 4.2 40, he will love you like a grandfather....
as long as Al is in charge, the raiders will continue to get fugged....3rd and 1 is a lock for 3rd and 16 due to a phantom personal foul call....1st and 10 quickly and most certainly becomes 1st and 20 because of a mysterious holding call...on defense...4th and long becomes 1st and 10 because of "trip" that occurred 50 yards away from the action...and so it goes...hell i can blog all day long about this shit...touchdowns called back because the receiver catches the ball in the endzone....a touchdown for the other 31 teams right? not for the once mighty oakland raider football club...we cant score....its impossible for the raids to succeed...
fuggen werld!
this season, im going to kick back...relax...knowing that we are all here by mistake...
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