clark is the coolest cat i know...this guy can do everything great...he is midas when it comes to re deals (he owns big time shit)....he is a great golfer....he is a great squash player (hes won the us senior dubs title several times)...he is a wealth of knowledge with just about every topic known to man...he is always up for everything....the dude will play 18 in the am..squash at lunch...18 in the pm...and then go shoot trap and skeet...all in the same day...he is the most active human ive ever known....peeps around here call him superman...he is the guy that talks and backs it up....pretty amazing...guys that talk and dont back it up (saundoggy)..are a dime a dozen...
and the fugger wrecks me when it comes to golf tips....all he needs to do is tweak me just a little, and SHANKAPOTOMUS...
we hosted our annual sigma chi golf outing 3 years ago in the lou....and i golfed with clark and young e that wednesday prior to about 40 cats comin in for our golf orgy....i never slice...and well....after our 18 at boone valley.....i was curvin the ball left to right so much so that i believe i threw off our planets orbit...i ended up sucking donkey that entire week....thanks clark! it wasnt much better for young e...clark was worried that he'd get a letter from the country club because of all the divots the young one left on the tee box....from his driver! and young e hit into the group ahead of us....striking their cart..."gottem!"
clark belongs to just about every club here in town...he also belongs to very titty(sorry v but that word applies) tracks in ptown (desert highlands) and murifield village in columbus ohio...
clark took me under his wing several years ago...he has had me as his guest numerous times...he is such a great host...but then he'll tug on my game (brain fugg) and i go into the death spiral...but its worth it ...i keep going back for more...i really believe he is trying help out saundoggy...but for some reason i cave like walmart folding chair...
played 18 with clark today...he didnt meddle into me today and well..i played great...bad back and all...
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