im so fuggen tired of weekends....i know that by every sunday night, the oakland raiders will be losers once again....ill know this by sunday night because they suck too much ass to play on sunday night football...they might get a game on monday night football....but i believe every team gets a game on mnf...
im so tired of them....i want to burn all my shit again! i knew theyd "nancy" against the niners....fugg, the niners are winless and who better to cure their ailments than the once mighty oakland fuggers!? the raiders should be winless....they hav 2 wins, and bot of those were joke wins....undeserving gifts....the raiders suck in all facets....their owner, coaches, players, fans, the city of oakland...the only cool thing about them is their uniforms....shield.....and colors....other than that, base camp for all that means LOSER!!!!!
yes, the raiders were once mighty...back when i wore clothes that would turn into an inferno if a mere spark would land on my shoulder...they were once mighty when i was a zipper headed dorkfuck...they were once mighty before the nfl changed the rules and basically outlawed everything the raiders once did well....CHEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bring back the 1970s and bring it back now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i know i know... i was late zipper head removal guy...i was in denial.... but i liked that look... i might just go back to it...so fuggoff!
im so sick of sunday nights....its by far the worst day on the fall calendar....someone please put me out of my misery....someone please ban me from fandom of these fuggen losers! gawd they suck smelly azz...i need an intervention...and soon!!!!!!!!!!!! help!
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