over the years.. SD... has been gifting me magazine subscriptions...here is what i receive:
golf weekly
golf world
smart money
golf digest
mens health
i enjoy all of these mags (except one...which i dont read)...read them all cover to cover
1 mag is very special to me...PLAYBOY....i love it...playboy is the best magazine ever published....the articles are the best part..2nd best are the cartoon/jokes
1 mag is possibly the worst mag ever published..people magazine is a waste of paper/man power/time/money/natural resources/postage/ distribution/anything and every fuggen thing that is needed for magazine creation...SDs gag gift to me....and the fuggen guy keeps on renewing it...made the mistake of telling him that the subscription finaly ran out....why the fark did i tell him that???!!!
mens health kicks ass....its a total dude mag...
the golf mags...all of them are greatness...im a huge swing tinkerer and love the tips these mags offer...problem is...i get sensory overload and while many of these tips work, they work for a very short period of time..maybe two hits....then i start thinking about another tip...and soon its SHANKAPOTOMUS time....love looking at all the gear/clubs...wifey hates it cuz im a huge supporter of the newest and best shit...
going back to my fav....PLAYBOY...its there for me every am....in me downstairs restroom....nothing like droppin a deuce while reading about how monday night football began...just this am i learned how howard cosell was a total drunk and once blew chow all over dandy don Merediths cowboy boots...love the gadget section too...and the jokes...and playboy forum...ahhhh playboy forum....where the greatest questions are answered with such expertise and with such visually delicate prose....i would really enjoy meeting some of these people that write to the forum....they must be fascinating...im wonderin if their lives change from the advice they receive from playboy...i wonder....the advice given never helps saundoggy...dudes need to develop their own "moves"... once again this brings me to one of the best seinfeld eps ever...the FUSILLY JERRY ep...(the knuckle...puddy stealing jerrys move...assman...greatness!)...its like the golf mag advice..it really never works long term...i digress...
my grandpa was a big playboy supporter....he was a playboy club member ...back in the day... he spent most of his fortune trying to be like hef...he gave me a bunch of copy back in the day....he gave me a huge hardcover book full of playboy cartoons...gave me his playboy club membership card....i was probably 14 15 or so....grandpa blue was totally cool...i will get into him on a future blog...
SD... your playboy gift comes every month....and i chuckle every time i get it out of the mailbox...giddy!
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